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Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Guided by our values, context and mission the EPHEA (Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia) Strategic Plan aims to be bold, in advocating for a tertiary education system that is equitable and meets the needs of student and staff populations. It also aims to position equity practitioners as experts in their institutions and as change agents to guide their institutions in shifting their structures in ways that are more inclusive and celebrates our diverse student and staff cohorts.

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Goal One


Continue to build the capacity of equity practitioners as experts within their institutions. 

In order to achieve this goal, EPHEA will:

1.1 - Develop an accredited Introduction to Equity qualification that institutions can embed into their staff induction and professional development programs.

1.2 - Develop an early career initiative that advances the knowledge and skills of equity practitioners as experts in their institutions.

1.3 - Convene an annual calendar of online and face-to-face professional development activities that are supported through state-based and country based networking opportunities.

1.4 - Convene a bi-annual conference to contribute to the knowledge, research and practice of student and staff equity in tertiary education.

1.5 - Continue with professional grants for EPHEA members to attend conferences and contribute to national conversations on staff and student equity.

Goal One
Goal Two

Goal Two


To champion systemic change through our collective resources, ensuring that equity is positioned at the forefront of institutional practice and national tertiary education policy.


In order to achieve this goal, EPHEA will:

2.1 - Be positioned as the ‘voice’ and thought leader in national conversation around staff and student equity and will provide opportunities to bring equity practitioners across the sector, as well community expertise, to contribute to the conversation.

2.2 - Make regular submissions and recommendations on policy and best practice, drawing on key research, practitioner experience and institutional data sets.

2.3 - Undertake advisory roles on relevant boards, national grants and key research projects that impact equity in tertiary education.

Goal Three

Goal Three


To work collaboratively and develop partnerships that empower action and change across the tertiary education sector.


In order to achieve this goal, EPHEA will:

3.1 - Increase the connectedness between relevant organisations to influence public policy. These will include but are not limited to; Universities Australia; Workplace Gender Equity Agency (WGEA); National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE); SAGE (Science in Australia Gender Equity); ATEND (Australian Tertiary Network on Disability); NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research) and ADCET (Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training).

3.2 - Increase connectedness with other tertiary providers across New Zealand including; Auckland University, The University of Waikato, Auckland Uni of Technology, Massey University, Te Pukenga and University of Canterbury.

Goal Four

Goal Four


To recognise and celebrate the work of equity practitioners across the sector.

In order to achieve this goal, EPHEA will:


4.1 - Continue to undertake peer-based recognition initiatives, including the continuation of the Champions of Change.

4.2 - Expand the Lifetime Member awards to recognise the talent of our early career practitioners.

4.3 - Work collaboratively with Engagement Australia to sponsor an Equity Award to recognise best practice across the sector and provide pathways and support to international award programs.

4.4 - Showcase outstanding practice of equity practitioners through our communications channels.

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